Wurzel Dip

What it is? How to Apply Root Treatment.

wurzel dip

Wurzel Dip Root Treatment: 

Wurzel Dip is an environmentally friendly root growth enhancer to aid in plant transplant shock and establishment. Wurzel dip promotes healthy plant material by stimulating fibrous root growth through the rich components in the treatment. The root treatment contains an organic-based blend of seaweed, Humic acid, bat manure, liquid nitrogen, and a collection of other proprietary ingredients. The dip is specifically designed to give your plants the boost they need to recover from any transplant damage and thrive in their new environment.

Invented in Calgary over 40 years ago, Wurzel Dip has become a recognized brand in the local agriculture market. The word “Wurzel” is German for root and the well-known name brand Wurzel Dip translates to “Root Dip”. The root treatment is still developed in Calgary, but due to its success, is now used across the country for transplanting needs.

How Wurzel Dip Works:

During the transportation and transplanting, root hairs are inevitably damaged. To keep the roots healthy and allow them the best chance for recovery, handle the plant carefully and apply a root treatment at the time of planting. Wurzel Dip enables the existing fibrous roots to take in more moisture and nutrients. The mixture provides essential ingredients to promote the healing of the damaged roots and provides rapid growth of new roots. This creates a stronger root base and increases the viability of the plant. Treated trees and shrubs show significant root growth and recovery compared to roots that are not treated.

wurzel dip


One of the key ingredients of Wurzel Dip is a form of slow-release nitrogen. Nitrogen is one of the most important components found in healthy soil, which supports plant growth. Natural soil does not always have the right amount of nitrogen to support plant growth and healthy root systems. This is why it is so important to have this additive on hand when planting new material. The format of slow-release nitrogen mitigates the loss of this important ingredient and allows the root treatment to be most effective within the first two weeks of transplanting. 

Another key ingredient is the custom blend of Humic acid, used for its ability to bind soil particles to increase the structure of the soil. This is an incredible benefit for root growth as it creates increased growth in high-clay soils and will bind soil particles in low-clay soil types. This allows the soil to have better water retention and reduces salt content for healthier soil and root systems. The introduction of Humic acid to a newly transplanted root system allows the plant to be more resistant to stress and promotes stronger top growth once established.

The other ingredients, including seaweed and manure, are rich in micro and macronutrients, proteins, and fatty acids. These ingredients promote a rich and fertile soil. It is like a vitamin supplement for the root system; necessary to overcome any stress and damage during the handling process in transplanting.

When and how often to use Wurzel Dip:

Apply Wurzel Dip at the time of transplanting. We recommend using it on all trees, shrubs, and perennials, but especially for any larger plant material that has a more mature root system. The larger the root system, the larger the shock during transplant, which is why root treatment is so essential to the success of the plant. Wurzel Dip is a one-time mixture best used when initially planting to promote root growth and establishment. We recommend using alternative fertilizers at the appropriate times for increased benefit and longevity of the plant.


  1. You will need 1-litre bottle of Wurzel Dip Concentrate and a water source available to dilute the concentrated mixture. The proper ratio is 1 part Wurzel Dip to 100 parts water.
  2. Take 1/5th of the bottle, pour it into a 5-gallon bucket, and fill to the top with water. This results in the proper water-to-dip ratio. Follow the size guide to determine how much mixture each plant requires.
  3. Place the plant into the hole, paying close attention to the depth of the root flare compared with the soil level. Pour a part of the mixture onto the root ball. Pour slowly, with the intent to soak the root ball. Allow the excess mixture to drain into the hole, as this will aid the natural soil.
  4. Backfill between pouring to allow the excess mixture to infiltrate the backfill soil.
  5. Once the plant is fully backfilled, pour the last of the mixture onto the plant. The root treatment acts as the plant’s first watering.

Plant Size vs. Root Treatment Guide:

  • 10C – 15C/1GA Pot Size: 1 litre of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 2GA Pot Size: 3 litres of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 5GA Pot Size: 1 Gallon of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 7GA Pot Size: 2 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 10GA Pot Size: 4 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 15GA Pot Size: 5 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 20GA Pot Size: 7 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 25GA Pot Size: 10 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 30GA Pot Size: 15 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 35GA Pot Size: 20 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 32” Basket: 25 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 36” Basket: 25 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 40” Basket: 25 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 50” Basket: 25 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 60” Basket: 50 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.
  • 70” Basket: 50-70 Gallons of diluted mixture per plant.

Other Uses:

We always recommend using a root treatment when planting outdoor trees, shrubs, and perennials, as well as indoor tropicals and annuals at the time of planting or up-potting.

Interested in more plant success? Check out our fertilizing guide to see what fertilizers we recommend for your newly planted trees, shrubs, and perennials.

How to Fertilize Your Plant Material

Fertilizer is essential for long-term plant health. We recommend fertilizing your trees and plants three times during the season. Once the snow melts and the ground thaws marks when to begin the first treatment. Repeat the applications every three to four weeks up until July 1st. We do not recommend fertilizing past July 1st as promoting growth during the hottest part of the summer can harm your trees. The tree will begin to enter dormancy soon after this, and pushing new growth with another fertilizer treatment increases the risk of the sensitive new growth becoming damaged in any early frosts in the late summer and fall seasons.  Always follow the application directions on the fertilizer packaging for best results.

What fertilizer to use? We recommend using a water-soluble fertilizer for the best results. We avoid recommending fertilizer stakes as it can result in uneven chemical distribution and, in some cases, root damage.

28-14-14 Fertilizer is a water-soluble fertilizer that promotes top growth and greening. This can be applied to most plant material, ranging from trees to shrubs to garden vegetables. Due to its low salt content, this can be sprayed directly on the foliage or poured around the base of the plant to be absorbed by the roots. Its high nitrogen content is especially beneficial to plants in nutrient-depleted soil. We recommend 28-14-14 on newly planted trees and other plants as it is not too intensive for a still-developing root system. It can also be used on fully established and mature trees.

30-10-10 Fertilizer is a water-soluble fertilizer that increases plant strength, especially in the roots, stems, and leaves. It can be applied at the time of planting to reduce the severity of transplant shock or seasonally to promote healthier stronger plants. 30-10-10 is a perfect combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium providing a nutrient-packed solution for trees, shrubs, perennials, and grasses. It can also be used on turf grass, annuals, and vegetables.

10-52-10 Fertilizer is a water-soluble fertilizer great for both indoor and outdoor plants. Its high phosphorus content promotes fast root growth in young plants, making it ideal for transplanting seedlings. It can also be a huge benefit when transplanting mature trees. Use this alongside Wurzel Dip to give your roots that extra boost for a quicker transition into establishment. It can also promote healthy establishment in your vegetables, flowers, and turf sod.

5-6-27 Fertilizer is a water-soluble fertilizer packed with micro-nutrients essential for soil and plant health. It is one of the best fertilizers for coniferous trees and can be applied around the base of the tree and the foliage. This fertilizer is a great solution to help combat mild winterburn and promote the overall health of evergreens after a harsh winter. We recommend pairing this fertilizer treatment with 28-24-24 or 30-10-10 for an ultimate booster pack.

Over-fertilizing a tree can result in the decline of the plant and in some cases, lead to its demise. Read the instructions for application on the fertilizer you are using and consult with a professional if you have any questions.